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What Is The Process For Leather Upholstery Repair?

Leather upholstery repair is unlike any other form of fabric restoration. It is highly involved and something that should only be attempted by a certified professional. Otherwise, there is a real possibility of causing permanent damage to the material. Leather furniture can be damaged in many ways. It can discolor, sustain scratches or scars, lose its supple texture, soak up body oils, and sustain punctures. Over the years, a sofa or chair can take on a lot of wear and damage, and will require dedicated effort to restore. Fortunately, certified professionals are equipped to do just that.

It is naturally absorbent, so it readily soaks up body oils. Even a slight scratch can also noticeably affect it as well, so the first goal should be to prevent wear by being careful around the furniture.

But life happens, and certified professionals have the tools to negative even severe damage. Before doing anything, though, the furniture will need to be cleaned, and that starts with a thorough dry vacuum. Getting rid of loose, dry soils is essential, as they can score the furniture during the restoration process if they are not removed. Afterwards, a professional may wash down the material with a little water and some gentle detergent. Most firms prefer to agitate the detergent and water by hand to protect the integrity of the material.

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