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Vinyl, leatherette and leather

In mainstream cars and trucks, more and more manufacturers are offering leather seating surfaces, or leather upholstery.

In the vast majority of cases, it is not real leather, but what is called leatherette or simulated leather. You also have vinyl. Whats the difference?

Genuine leather, obviously, is made from cowhide. Its porous texture allows it to breathe and adjusts to body temperature.On the other hand, it wears more quickly than leatherette or vinyl, it costs more to produce and if its not treated with a protective finish, it will stain and absorb odours more quickly.

Leatherette, or simulated leather, is a synthetic texture made with vinyl, but with a softer feel to match leather as closely as possible. Its cheaper to produce than leather and easier to keep clean, and more durable.

Frankly, when I analyze the pros and cons, the best compromise in mainstream vehicles is actually leatherette for its combination of durability, appearance and comfort.
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