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Vegan Leather: What It Is and Why It Belongs in Your Closet

What’s so great about vegan leather? Only everything. Number one, it’s not made from the skins of dead animals. Plus, it’s easier on the planet—and très chic.
But what is it?
Most vegan leather is made of polyurethane, a polymer that can be made to order for any designer’s whim. It can sparkle, have a nice glossy sheen.
Not only does vegan leather make you look good, it also makes you feel good because it’s cruelty-free. 
So what’s in your closet? Start shedding your skins today with these new and perennial trends:
Messenger Bags
Oversized handbags are a feminine choice for the chic professional. Hold the handles, or sling them over your elbow for convenience.
Everyday Backpacks
Backpacks are the new purses, and vegan leather backpack is here to keep you on trend.
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